Students interested in CYCLE Program
Each year, Missouri Rural Electric sponsors area high school sophomores and juniors from its service territory to attend the CYCLE Conference in Jefferson City. Students across the state learn about the history of electric cooperatives and how they work, as well as, the inner workings of Missouri Government. The trip allows students to tour our State Capitol, meet new friends and develop leadership skills during the three-day activity packed event. Missouri Rural Electric Cooperative understands the importance of educating tomorrow’s leaders in regard to the activities of electric cooperatives and Missouri Government. We encourage all students interested in the program to contact our office for more information.
Students interested in Youth Tour
Missouri Rural Electric Cooperative will send a student to participate in the Rural Electric Youth Tour in June, for an activity-filled week, affording these high school youth opportunities to learn first-hand what it is like to be involved in politics, community development and today’s social issues.
If you are a student at Hannibal, Monroe City, North Shelby, Palmyra, Philadelphia or a home-schooled student and interested in attending either program, contact Member Service Advisor, Doug Krigbaum, by Feb.1 at 573-769-2104.